Padina gymnospora (Kutzing ) Sonder


Padina gymnospora (Kutzing) Sonder


Usally the blades are 10-12 cm long and broad, but plants with 15 cm long and to 20 cm broad blades may be found; the frond has three layers of cells except near the inrolled edge where two cell layers occur; the hair lines alternate on both sides of the blade and the dark lines of spongia are found just above every second hair-line; plants tufted, 5-10 cm tall, the blades 5-20 cm broad rounded or split into narrower portions, the lower parts stalk like and stupose, usually rather moderately calcified on the upper surface, 2 cells and 50-60 micron thick near the growing margin, 3 cells and 75-110 micron thick below, where the cells of the middle layer may be taller than those of the surfaces, or even 4 cells thick near the stipe, hair lines alternating on the 2 faces, the sterile zones 2-4mm wide, alternating with fertile zones 1.5-3.0 mm wide sporangia in discontinous bonds 0.5-1.5mm wide, usually median between alternate hair lines and without induria, 90-125 micron diameter, gametophytes dioecious, antheridia in 1-2 bands in alternate zones.

Distribution : Gujrat, Malvan, Ratnagiri, (Maharashtra), Goa, Karwar, Honawar,(Karnataka).

Ecological status : Common in the lower half of the Intertidal zone.

IUCN status :

Uses : Extraction of algenate, fertiliger

Culture/Cultivation :